Dr. Eriki and our surgical team offer world-class training and support, and we are proud to operate at the highest standard of surgical excellence.
The free No-needle vasectomies at our clinic provide a safe and virtually painless vasectomy. Our vasectomies have a complication rate eight times lower than conventional approaches and involve less discomfort – especially when coupled with no-needle freezing, as we do.
Please contact us with your questions or to book an appointment. You can call us during clinic hours.
For the very fastest service, please go ahead and book a free appointment online now, and we will call you back quickly to schedule your appointment.
Vasectomy North offers a different method of anesthesia called “No-Needle Freezing,” which eliminates the need for a needle to enter the scrotum.
This is accomplished using an air pressure device, which is quicker, safer, and more comfortable for patients.
The image here shows both standard anaesthetic injection with a syringe and the no-needle option with an air injector. You can compare the two techniques and see how the air injector pushes the anaesthetic through the pores in the scrotal skin with a burst of air.
Sperm is made in a man’s testes. During sexual climax, the sperm travels through two tubes (the right vas and left vas) in the scrotum, mixes with semen (from the prostate and seminal vesicles), and comes out of the penis. In a vasectomy, these tubes are blocked so the sperm cannot reach the semen. As a result, you will ejaculate semen without sperm.
A man cannot make his partner pregnant without sperm.
Also, keep in mind that the sperm makes up a minute portion of the ejaculate, approximately 1% of the volume. Therefore, you will not notice any change in the ejaculation post-vasectomy. Your sexual experience, erections, performance, and ejaculations are essentially unchanged. The only change is no more sperm, no more pregnancy!
Vasectomy North doctors are specialized in no-needle vasectomy
There are no life-threatening complications associated with no-needle vasectomies. The minor complications that can arise are generally short-lived and resolve with ice, rest, anti-inflammatories, and time.
With the effectiveness of our local anaesthesia technique, the pain is minimized. You will likely have some aching or other minor discomfort in the day or two after your surgery. Still, you can be sure that our vasectomy procedure ensures the optimal result with the least amount of pain.
It will only hurt a little bit – and not during the procedure.
With this new approach, there is no more needle and men who have undergone express amazement at the minimal physical discomfort they experienced during the procedure and recovery.
Men who were previously not considering vasectomy because they feared the needle can now feel comfortable, relaxed and confident with this simple procedure.
Please call our clinic to speak with us or contact us anytime with your inquiry.
If you would like to make an appointment for a free vasectomy, you can do so now online, and then we will be in touch to confirm the next steps.
Serving Men From All Over BC and Alberta, and Beyond.
Dawson Creek
1030 Alaska Ave,
Dawson Creek, BC V1G 1Y6
Grande Prairie
11745 105 St Unit 102,
Grande Prairie, AB T8V 8L1
Fax: 250-782-3318