Our team is available anytime for questions or concerns after your no-needle vasectomy procedure.
There may be a small amount of bleeding from the skin opening. This is normal. Put a bandaid on it daily until there is no more blood. Then, just wear supportive underwear for the next 7 days. You may take a daily shower starting the morning after the procedure. Avoid taking baths for 7 days after the surgery.
For the first 48 hours, continue to avoid any alcohol, take 2 tablets of extra-strength Tylenol every 6 hours, if needed, and ice the area regularly.
On the third day, take 2 tablets of Ibuprofen (400 mg) every 6 hours with food, no matter how good you feel, as this will reduce post-surgical inflammation. Do this for three days. If you get side effects, of course, stop the pills. Monitor for high blood pressure and an upset stomach.
Remember, no sex or ejaculation for a week. Light blood in the semen is normal in the first few ejaculations after your vasectomy and no cause for concern.
For the first week, avoid any exertion, exercise, extensive walking, climbing, jogging, or sports…you get the idea.
When pain and tenderness are minimal, you may return to your usual activity, but on the first day back, start at ½ your usual workout. In general, avoid lifting more than 15 lbs (including babies or children) in the first week.
It is normal to have some discoloration of the skin (blue and black) around the puncture site a few days after your vasectomy. This will gradually go away.
Some men will develop swelling and tenderness on one side or both. This is usually due to an exaggerated inflammatory response that is often normal and necessary for sperm recycling and reabsorption. It is managed effectively with ibuprofen 600 mg 3 times a day. You might notice a lump on each side of your scrotum after your vasectomy for the next few weeks. That is a scar where we cut and sealed your vas. It usually feels like a knot the size of a pea and may swell to the size of a marble and be tender for a few weeks after the procedure but then become smaller and non-tender.
Collect the semen by masturbating directly into a sealed, sterile specimen container. If you lose a portion of the semen, throw the container out and collect your specimen at another time. If you’ve misplaced the container, please get another one – ask for a urinalysis container. Please do not use any other type of container.
Learn more
About no-needle vasectomy procedure at Vasectomy North Clinics
The operation itself is about 10 minutes, and you will be in the operating room for about 20–25 minutes, including anesthetic application.
Please call our clinic to speak with us or contact us anytime with your inquiry.
If you would like to make an appointment for a free vasectomy, you can do so now online, and then we will be in touch to confirm the next steps.
Serving Men From All Over BC and Alberta, and Beyond.
Dawson Creek
1030 Alaska Ave,
Dawson Creek, BC V1G 1Y6
Grande Prairie
11745 105 St Unit 102,
Grande Prairie, AB T8V 8L1
Fax: 250-782-3318